Puzzle Measures 14. 25" X 10. 25",Puzzles Help Support A Child Development As They Play,While Piecing Together Various Shapes And Sizes To Discover A Bigger Picture, A Child Develops Concentration And Creativity.
- Bestselling puzzle brand worldwide - With over 1 billion puzzles sold, Ravensburger is the bestselling puzzle brand worldwide.
- Anti-Glare surface - Ravensburger puzzles use an exclusively developed, extra-thick cardboard combined with our fine, linen structured paper to create a glare-free puzzle image and give you the best experience possible.
- Every piece is unique – None of the frustrations you find with other puzzle brands. With Ravensburger, every individual piece has a completely unique shape.
- Perfect for your child – Puzzles for toddlers and kids of every age help support a child’s development as they play, building skills such as concentration and creativity.
- Makes a great gift - Puzzles are a fun activity to do alone or in a group, and make a great gift for all ages at birthdays and holidays.